Online donations
With online donations you extend the reach of your church to those who sympathize with it anywhere in the world, receiving unique and recurring contributions in a practical and secure way.
Online donations
Activate donations with no extra monthly fees
Turn online donations on and off anytime you want. Set up categories for donations, such as tithes or some special project. You pay nothing more for your subscription! We only charge one administrative fee * for each contribution made.

* 2.8% + $ 0.10 per credit card payment and $ 3.75 fixed per bank payment.
Activate donations with no extra monthly fees
Recurring Donations
Increase the amount of your church's contributions with the Monthly Contribution. Just the taxpayer selects how many times you want to be charged for that amount and every month Atos6 will automatically charge. Facility for tithers.
Recurring Donations
Bank transfer and security
Withdraw in a few clicks conveniently and securely the amounts received via online donations. No getting cash on hand or wasting a lot of time counting and sorting money for every purpose. With Online Contribution you easily transfer tithing money and offerings to the church bank account.
Bank transfer and security
Donation via Public Page
Use the contribution page link on your church's website and leave it open for anyone who wants to offer or decimate.
Donation via Public Page
Donation via APP
In addition to the public page Atos6 provides the Atos6 Management application, where your membership can login, view general information, use management features and even make donations via APP. Want an even more personalized app for your church with extra features, news, events, projects and more? Check out the Atos6 Prime and enjoy special discounts from existing Atos6 Gestão customers.
Donation via APP
View all online donation information on a Dashboard that shows the available balance for withdrawal, listing, and transaction status with various search filters.